Synopsis Laughlandia - a magical country where the inhabitants are able to control the forces of nature with magical stones, that fell there from the sky, long ago. Conditions
"Rosie! You did it! Look behind you — everything is blooming! You can stop!" Tucher yelled breathlessly, running after her. The girl ran down the hill without looking back, seized by the fear of what lay ahead and still bewildered by what she had decided to do. But this fear was nothing compared to the fear over what would happen if she didn't do it. If she did not, she risked destroying the entire world! The place she had been taught her entire life to fear, that source of misfortune and trouble inhabited by dangerous, ruthless people, stood right before her. Yet, as she panted in short breaths, that was exactly her destination. She didn't slow down. It must have been a breathtaking sight from above: the cascade of flowers rolling over every inch of ground in its path, blooming in her wake. But she didn't see this beauty. The wind whipped against her face. Sunspots appeared in her eyes and her vision was blurred, her hair was tangled, her cheeks, red. She ran over the bridge and, out of strength, fell to the ground, silently asking herself: What am I doing? What's going on? Her head was spinning. Before she lost consciousness, the day's events flashed before her eyes.... That morning, in her gentle strawberry colored bedroom, perfumed by an aroma woven from the scents of the jasmine garden, Rosie lay in bed dreaming. In the reverie of her morning twilight, she sat on a bench in a shady alley covered with dandelion puffs, reading one of her favorite fairy tale books. Suddenly a great hurricane picked up, and a single gust, as if blown from a giant's mouth, blew apart every puff and ripped the book from her hands, sending pages of it twirling like little umbrellas up into the sky until they disappeared over the horizon in a mere blink. Rosie sat up in a cold sweat, looked around, and found the book she had been reading before bedtime sitting in its place. |