Irina oborina
The country under rose-coloured clouds
The force of kindness is the true magic!
About the book
Would you like to know what can happen in a world where people have the opportunity to manage the forces of nature? If you do, then come to the magical land of Laughlandia, where life can be truely beautiful! Blooming gardens full of flowers and fruit, rain on schedule and most important endless fun. However, rules and conditions must be followed for things to run smoothly, and if someone decides to break them, the risk is that life will no longer be so beautiful in this magical land.

Surprisingly, Rosie a member of a flower family, is the one who can bring chaos to this wonderful world: it is she who discovers a secret with the potential to threaten the peace and tranquility of Laughlandia. To remedy the situation, Rosie decides to go on a journey to the land of Mirlandia - a dangerous country, where ordinary people reside.

So, will Rosie be able to reveal the secret, why is she unable to have fun and will she eventually be able to save her beautiful country?

Our team
Irina Oborina
Writer, illustrator
This is the second children's book of the writer. Irina also makes 2-3d animation, video, motion and graphic design.
Maria Smetanina
Maria is an artist and photographer. In this project, Maria and Irina worked together to create illustrations.
Alina Grigorovitch
Alina enjoys writing, drawing, music, and a long list of other things. She has worked as a lab rat and a programmer. Find her projects on her website,
Laughlandia - a magical country where the inhabitants are able to control the forces of nature with magical stones, that fell there from the sky, long ago. Conditions
  • The magicians are not able to control the sun.
  • The owners of the stones must always be happy
  • And once a year, all the stones must be gathered together.
The world is divided into two: Laughlandia, a world of magicians and Mirlandia a world of ordinary people. The magicians spend all their time pursuing and maintaining happiness and fail to notice that life is turning into a gilded cage. It is a cage in where fears of loss are ever present but not talked about and fun is forced. Rosie, the girl from the flower family, is the only person in Laughlandia, who is apparently unable to have fun. Plants and flowers wilt when she goes next to them. Moreover, it is only when she reads fairy tales, from Mirlandia, that she can feel some happiness. She keeps this fact a secret for many long years, until one year, when the gathering of the stones takes place, she hears an omen coming from the sky- "somebody's secret will destroy the world!" She realizes in that moment that this person is her. As her kind heart could not bear such a heavy burden, she sets-off immediately to Mirlandia, in the hope of discovering why reading the fairy tales from there made her so happy. She hopes to learn the secret of true happiness. In contrast to Rosie, the magicians of Laughlandia are suspicious of the people from Mirlandia and think they are dangerous. They feel they have nothing to learn from them. They believe that the Mirlandians want to steal their stones to gain power over nature. This fear makes them plan to destroy any bridges that exist or could one day exist between the two lands. Their fear of the other becomes so great that they even build a wall around their country to protect themselves. However, despite this the Mirlandians still manage to get into Laughlandia, to steal the magical food and the incredible animals from there.
The Mirlandians had good reasons for their actions. The magicians used their magic for egotistic aims in their games and entertainments. They created a comfortable life for themselves, but beyond the city walls, drought and hunger pervaded across the land. Despite their hardships, the Mirlandians remained honorable people and always thanked the flower family for the fruits and vegetables from their garden, where they left their own gifts in return, among which were the magical books Rosie loved so much. Arriving in Mirlandia, Rosie and her friend, Tucher, the son of the cloud family, made a remarkable discovery: Mirlandia was inhabited by wonderful people who valued their freedom and did not want to steal the magicians' stones.
They did not want to become dependent on the magic that the magicians had sacrificed their own dreams and freedom for.

Rosie learned several astonishing pieces of information there:

  • The history of the stones and the origin for the divide into two worlds
  • That her parents were not like the other magicians. They created a hole into their garden for the Mirlandians to collect the fruits and vegetables that it took them mere minutes to ripen by smiling and laughing, as well as to rescue the animals the magicians kept in cages purely for their own entertainment.
Rosie could not have guessed it then, but the morning that would change her world had begun...
"Rosie! You did it! Look behind you — everything is blooming! You can stop!" Tucher yelled breathlessly, running after her.

The girl ran down the hill without looking back, seized by the fear of what lay ahead and still bewildered by what she had decided to do. But this fear was nothing compared to the fear over what would happen if she didn't do it. If she did not, she risked destroying the entire world!

The place she had been taught her entire life to fear, that source of misfortune and trouble inhabited by dangerous, ruthless people, stood right before her. Yet, as she panted in short breaths, that was exactly her destination.

She didn't slow down. It must have been a breathtaking sight from above: the cascade of flowers rolling over every inch of ground in its path, blooming in her wake. But she didn't see this beauty. The wind whipped against her face. Sunspots appeared in her eyes and her vision was blurred, her hair was tangled, her cheeks, red. She ran over the bridge and, out of strength, fell to the ground, silently asking herself: What am I doing? What's going on? Her head was spinning. Before she lost consciousness, the day's events flashed before her eyes....

That morning, in her gentle strawberry colored bedroom, perfumed by an aroma woven from the scents of the jasmine garden, Rosie lay in bed dreaming. In the reverie of her morning twilight, she sat on a bench in a shady alley covered with dandelion puffs, reading one of her favorite fairy tale books. Suddenly a great hurricane picked up, and a single gust, as if blown from a giant's mouth, blew apart every puff and ripped the book from her hands, sending pages of it twirling like little umbrellas up into the sky until they disappeared over the horizon in a mere blink. Rosie sat up in a cold sweat, looked around, and found the book she had been reading before bedtime sitting in its place.
Creative event with children
Irina told children a fairy tale from a book. After discussing together the main ideas from the fairy tale, the kids drew pictures.
Children's illustration competition
The competition was attended by children from different cities and countries. 3 winners will receive a book with illustrations as a gift. This competition gave children a unique chance to become an illustrator for real book.
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